
Search Results


Your search for Jo Cavallo matches 2 pages

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colorectal cancer
kidney cancer
hepatobiliary cancer
lung cancer
pancreatic cancer
issues in oncology
bladder cancer

Large Disparities in Cancer Mortality Rates Found Among Different Racial/Ethnic Populations in New York State

According to the American Cancer Society, cancer is the leading cause of death for Hispanics and Asian/Pacific Islanders in the United States. However, their cancer burden is less than that of non-Hispanic whites and especially non-Hispanic blacks, who bear the most disproportionate share of the...

hepatobiliary cancer

Increased Risk of Gallbladder Cancer May Be Linked to Consuming Large Amounts of Sweetened Beverages

A large prospective Swedish study reported by Larsson et al found a 2.2-fold increased risk of gallbladder cancer in people who consumed two or more servings of sweetened beverages a day compared with nonconsumers. The researchers also found a 1.8-fold increase in extrahepatic biliary tract cancer...


