
UC Davis Launches Center for Advancing Cancer Health Equity

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To address cancer health disparities in the region, the University of California (UC) Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center is launching the Center for Advancing Cancer Health Equity, which will conduct community-engaged research and interventions using multilevel approaches. The new center will build on the progress made to date in reducing health disparities, particularly through population sciences and health disparities research programs conducted with the Office of Community Outreach and Engagement.

“We need to continue to address the root causes of cancer health disparities,” said Primo “Lucky” Lara, Jr, MD, UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center Director. “Avoiding or surviving cancer should not depend on your zip code, and that’s why we have established the Center for Advancing Cancer Health Equity, because everyone deserves an equal chance at a healthy life.”

Primo “Lucky” Lara, Jr, MD

Primo “Lucky” Lara, Jr, MD

Luis Carvajal-­Carmona, PhD

Luis Carvajal-­Carmona, PhD

“The ultimate goal is to achieve cancer health equity for all communities living in central and northern California,” said Luis Carvajal-­Carmona, PhD, Founding Director of the new center. “The concerted efforts of the Center for ­Advancing Cancer Health Equity will not only contribute to improved health outcomes in our underserved populations, but will also result in a body of work that will influence cancer-related policy decisions at the county, state, and national levels.”

Simultaneously, the new center will contribute to diversity, equity, and inclusive excellence by promoting and supporting the careers of women, people of color, and those from other underrepresented groups at UC Davis. 

“We cannot achieve health equity if our clinicians, scientists, staff, and trainees do not reflect the racial/ethnic and socioeconomic background of the patients and communities we serve,” said Dr. Carvajal-Carmona, who was also recently appointed as the center’s Chief Diversity Officer and who will oversee the new Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. 



