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Cost of Care

R. Donald Harvey, PharmD, BCOP, FCCP, FHOPA, on Cutting Cancer Care Costs With Alternative Pharmacologic Options

R. Donald Harvey, PharmD, BCOP, FCCP, FHOPA, of Emory University, discusses the ways in which clinical pharmacology can help yield cost savings without sacrificing efficacy by, for example, altering regimens to extend drug supplies, lowering doses, dosing less frequently, or shortening the duration of treatment.

Opening Session Panel Discussion

Issues in Oncology

Leonard B. Saltz, MD, on Interventional Pharmacoeconomics: A Pathway to Better Cancer Care

Leonard B. Saltz, MD, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, discusses interventional pharmacoeconomics as an important tool that can offer patients with cancer more efficacious and cost-effective care. Pharmacoeconomics may help reduce the high costs of cancer therapy, with evidence-based reductions in doses that maintain effective treatment.

Garth Strohbehn, MD, MPhil, on Applied Clinical Pharmacology in a Crisis: Interventional Pharmacoeconomics and COVID-19

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