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Your search for Gabriel N. Hortobagyi, MD, FACP, ASCO President, 2006–2007 matches 4 pages

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global cancer care

Taking Action Against Cancer: Celebrating 20 Years of World Cancer Day

February 4, 2020, will mark the 20th anniversary of World Cancer Day, an annual event meant to raise cancer awareness and encourage governments, oncology societies, nongovernmental organizations, businesses, and individuals to take action against the global impact of the disease. Formed in...

ASCO Through the Years: Past Presidents

Over the years many great oncology leaders have served at the helm as ASCO President. We recognize these individuals here, and extend our gratitude for their service and efforts to champion high-quality cancer care. 2018-2019: Monica M. Bertagnolli, MD 2017-2018: Bruce E. Johnson, MD 2016-2017:...

Tracing Breast Cancer Luminary’s Path to Oncology, from Hungary to Houston

Gabriel N. Hortobagyi, MD, FACP, ASCO Past President (2006-2007), grew up under the oppressive regime of communist Hungary during the Cold War. “As college-educated intellectuals, my family was among the ‘politically undesirables,’ and if we had not escaped Hungary, neither my two sisters nor I...

Multidisciplinary Interactions

As my Presidency gradually fades into the past, it is sobering to reminisce on how exciting it was. ASCO is a great organization with an amazing staff and a solid mission. Chairing the Board meetings was clearly a highlight of my Presidency because of the vast talent and collective wisdom that is...


