
World Cancer Day, The Campaign to Conquer Cancer, and Collaboration

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Each year on February 4, people around the world come together to celebrate World Cancer Day. Founded in 2008 by the Union for International Cancer Control, World Cancer Day strives to raise awareness of and education about cancer as well as to encourage governments and individuals to take action. How will you honor World Cancer Day this year?

Perhaps the theme can provide some guidance. This past year, World Cancer Day announced a 3-year campaign with the tagline, “We can. I can.” These words speak to the idea that, to conquer cancer once and for all, everyone must do his or her part: oncology professionals, patients, families, advocates, and the entire cancer community. The Campaign to Conquer Cancer, championed by the Conquer Cancer Foundation of ASCO, echoes this sentiment, often employing the phrase “Together, we can take down cancer.”

The Conquer Cancer Foundation’s Campaign to Conquer Cancer is winding down this year, and its impact will be profound: $150 million dollars raised to advance cancer research and education is an outstanding achievement. But those in the field of oncology know well that the work is far from done. More support will be needed to eliminate the fear of cancer, especially in low-resource environments worldwide. The Conquer Cancer Foundation strives to improve cancer care in these environments through programs that include the International Development and Education Award and the International Innovation Grant. Over the past 33 years, the Conquer Cancer Foundation has awarded more than 1,700 grants and awards in 68 countries.

Play a Part

You can help speed progress against cancer and enhance the vital work you are already doing, by spreading the word online using the hashtags #WeCanICan,#WorldCancerDay, and #ConquerCancer. You can also help fund the brightest minds in oncology with a gift to the Conquer Cancer Foundation today. Visit to make your gift. ■

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